Montessori is a comprehensive educational approach from birth to adolescence based on the observation of Dr. Maria Montessori on children's needs.
Dr. Maria Montessori, inspired by the works of Jean Itard and Eduoard Seguin, began her work almost a century ago and developed this educational approach based on her understanding of children's learning tendencies. She used the term "Sensitive Periods" and applied to the science of human development.
Dr. Montessori also realized the peculiarity of the "Absorbent Mind" of the child as well as the reality of the child's psychic life, and pointed out the importance of the prepared environment.
The method that is incorporated in the Montessori schools consist of three main factors - the child, the teacher and the "The Prepared Environment".
A study conducted by North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA) in affiliation with Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) concluded that: